Quality and Environmental Policy

Freshness and Quality

It is only after careful controls to test freshness and quality that Avie Food honeys are born, packaged with a delicate process that respects the organoleptic and nutritional properties.

There is no pasteurization treatment

Avie Food checks and packages the honey from our beekeepers without ever subjecting it to pasteurization treatments. Honeys are simply softened in the hot room at temperatures never exceeding 40 degrees – the maximum temperature also found in the hive – in order to preserve the flavours, fragrances and nutrients of the honey.

Respect for the environment and biodiversity

The raw materials for Avie Food products are produced with respect for the environment and biodiversity, taking into account the fundamental role of beekeeping in the ecosystem.

Eco-friendly materials

Implementation of environmentally friendly processing techniques: through the choice of materials, supplies, innovative and biodegradable packaging. The reduction of packaging and its biodegradability are considered a priority policy.